What are bodybuilding supplements?
Bodybuilding supplements are a type of regulated and restricted supplements that are generally used by people who are involved in athletes, weightlifting, martial arts, and bodybuilding to increase lean body mass.
Ingredients that are used in these supplements can increase a person’s muscle and promotes athletic performance. They are also used to decrease body fat to achieve desired body structure.
These bulking supplements are generally used to inject more protein and calories into your body so that the weight you are gaining can be converted into muscle. Most of these supplements can be used as an alternative to harmful steroids which are also illegal.
These bodybuilding supplements will help the body to process the food you consume everyday and this provide good calories, which are useful to gain weight. These supplements can help you to convert the calories into muscles.
In this article, we are going to talk about four specific supplements and their effects on our bodies.
The 5 Best Bodybuilding Supplements Of 2022:
- Crazybulk Bulking Stack : Best overall Bodybuilding Supplement
- D Bal Max : Best supplement for muscle growth
- Brutal Force Mass Stack : Best supplements for Strength
- Testoprime : Best supplement to increase testosterone levels
- Brutal Trenorol : Best for cutting and bulking
#1. Crazybulk Bulking Stack:

Crazybulk bulking stack is the most popular and highly rated bulking supplement. It is not just a single pill. Crazybulk bulking sac is a supplement that contains multiple pills and is taken at different times of the day.
What is Crazybulk bulking stack?
The term bulking is mostly used by the bodybuilder. The combination of intense weight training and consumption of calories beyond your body’s need generally refers to the term bulking. According to some people, it is unhealthy and harmful but others claim that it is safe, healthy, and has a significant effect on gaining body mass.
Some bodybuilders prefer to consume anabolic steroids to boost the process but it can harmful and alarming in the long run. Crazybulk bulking sac is a perfect replacement for those harmful steroids.
Types Of The Supplements Available
There are four different supplements available in Crazybulk bulking sac. These four products are equally powerful and their combination can create an optimum anabolic condition in your body that can make the muscle gain process faster.
Each sack contains four different supplements along with a user guide. These four supplements are :
Buying a whole sac can save you 20 percent more money than buying them separately.
What is the process of intake and what do they do?
- You have to take 3 Testo Max at least 20 minutes before eating your breakfast to achieve a higher testosterone level throughout your day.
- You have to take 3 DecaDuro about 45 minutes before your workout session, it will higher the metabolism rate and give you all the energy you need to work hard and achieve your goal.
- Taking 3 D-Bal after working out will help your body efficiently to synthesize enough protein. This way the muscle repairing process of your body can be faster and more efficient at the end of your workout sessions.
- You need to take 3 Trenorol along with your DecaDuro only on your workout days. You can take 1 with your breakfast, lunch, and dinner on the other days when you are not doing workouts.
The Crazybulk Bulking Stack Ingredients:
The active ingredients that are used in D-Bal are
- Sodium Hyaluronate
- Tribulus Terrestris
- Ashwagandha
- Vitamin D3
- Suma Root Extract
- Methylsulfonylmethane
- L-Isoleucine
- Magnesium Oxide
The active ingredients for Trenorol are
- Beta-Sitosterol
- Pepsin
- Samento Inner Bark
- Nettle Leaf Extract
The Active Ingredients for DecaDuro are
- L-Citrulline
- Tribulus Terrestris
- Acetyl-L-Carnitine
- L-Arginine alpha-Ketoglutarate
- Panax Ginseng
- Wild Yam
The Active Ingredients for Testo Max are
- Bioperine
- Fenugreek Extract
- Boron
- Nettle Leaf Extract
- Ginseng Red Powder
- D-Aspartic Acid
- Magnesium
- Zinc
- Vitamin B6
- Vitamin D3
- Vitamin K1
What are the benefits of Crazybulk Bulking Sac intake?
- A human body needs protein to build muscles as well as to perform regular activities. Post-workout muscle repairing happens due to the process of protein synthesis. When you lift weights or do muscle-building workouts, your body creates micro-tears. During protein synthesis, your body releases amino acids, which are necessary to heal those micro tears. The supplements are filled with amino acids and certain ingredients which have amino acids in them. So your body can continue the repairing process throughout the whole day.
- The testosterone hormone in your body is responsible for building muscles and burning fat. Men who experience difficulties in building muscles no matter how much they work out every day may have a lower testosterone level. Ingredients used in these supplements especially nettle leaf extract and vitamin D3 play an important role in increasing testosterone levels. These ingredients can also help in your libido, bone strength, heart health, and joint health.
- When nitrogen combines with protein it promotes the growth of the muscles. When you do proper exercise your body releases nitrogen. Ingredients like L-Isoleucine and L-Citrulline help to promote nitrogen production and retention in your body and make your muscle-building process faster.
- During your workout sessions, your body produces lactic acid which can cause fatigue and even damage your liver. Increasing the blood flow in your body can increase the supply of oxygen and reduce lactic acid formation. Ingredients like Tribulus Terrestris and Panax Ginseng can increase the blood flow in your body.
Pros and Cons Of Using CrazyBulk Bulking Stacks:
Advantages Of Using These Supplements:
There are several reasons which make these supplements one of the bests in the present market.
- Boost protein synthesis.
- Increase the oxygen level in your body.
- Promotes nitrogen production and retention.
- Boost testosterone production.
- Increase the libido and your sexual drive.
- You can purchase in bulk at a cheaper price.
- The ingredients do not include artificial sweeteners, sugar, yeast, wheat, gluten, rice, shellfish, or any artificial colors or flavors.
- It has a 60 days money back guarantee.
- Can replace steroids and eliminate the risks and all the legal concerns and have no harmful effect on your health.
Disadvantages Of Using These Supplements:
Though there are many benefits of using these products there are ceratin disadvantages too.
- The capsules are made of gelatin which is not vegetarian or vegan friendly.
- Lactose intolerance people will not be able to consume these products as the ingredients have lactate in them.
- These products are not for pregnant or nursing women.
- Anyone under 18 can not consume these products.
Few Things To Remember Crazybulk bulking sac
If you are deciding to give these products a try make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients or have lactose intolerance. Follow the instruction closely to have a significant effect.
#2. Know About D-Bal Max:

D-Bal Max is a great alternative for people who do not prefer to consume multiple supplements with excessive ingredients.
What is D-Bal Max?
This is another supplement that can replace your anabolic steroids and save you from their harmful effects. Some people do not need to consume a bulk of ingredients to achieve their goals. They just need a few ingredients to fasten the muscle-building process without any complications.
It is a great alternative to the steroid Dianabol, which is illegal and has harmful side effects like high blood pressure or breast enlargement. D-Bal Max does not have all these threats and can give you all the benefits by using a combination of BCAA complex and three amino acids with Whey Protein.
This can also increase protein synthesis and the production of testosterone in your body.
What is the process of intake and what do they do?
You need to take D-Bal Max three times a day, in the morning, noon, and night. Consuming it just before or after your workout sessions is preferable. Most of the customers have reposted an increase in the energy level in the first week of use and a significant muscle growth between 3-8 weeks.
D-Bal Max Intake Ingredients:
The ingredients that are used to make these supplements are-
- BCCA Complex ( L-Valine, L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine )
- Whey Protein
- 20-Hydroxyecdysterone
What Are The Benefits Of D-Bal Max Intake?
- Whey protein can give you a solid dose of protein and three amino acids, whereas it does not have a decent amount of BCCA Complex. TD-Bal Max has both BCCA and Whey protein which compliments each other and together can increase protein synthesis, muscle repairing, and reduce fatigue.
- Including Whey Protein in D-Bal Max adds several extra benefits for the users. Whey protein can not only help your body in mass building, but it also has several health benefits. Whey protein can reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure, improve antioxidant defenses and treat type 2 diabetes.
- The third ingredient, 20-Hydroxyecdysterone is a naturally occurring anabolic that is produced in the human body. It can also be extracted from certain plants as well. It helps to increase the blood flow in your body and increAse the oxygen supply. It can also help in reducing lactic acid formation and fatigue.
Pros and Cons Of Using D Bal:
Advantages Of Using These Supplements
- It can increase the testosterone level in your body.
- It is a good combination of amino acids and proteins which help in muscle growth.
- It has 67 days money back guarantee.
- It helps to increase the blood flow and oxygen level.
- Reduce fatigue.
- It’s cheaper than most of the products available on the market.
- The pill is vegetarian bAnd vegan friendly.
- It is the best alternative to the illegal and harmful anabolic steroid, Dianabol.
- It does not have any ingredients that may have any side effects.
- It is an all-natural product.
Disadvantages Of Using These Supplements
- Plant steroids are less tested. There is still a lack of clinical and laboratory testing on the efficacy of the ingredient 20-Hydroxyecdysterone.
- This supplement should be used in conjunction with proper exercise. If you are not working hard consuming the supplement will not be of any use.
Few Things To Remember D-Bal Max
If you are not ready to consume multiple ingredients and are searching for a pocket-friendly supplement with limited ingredients with all the necessary benefits, D-Bal Max is the one. But you need to maintain a regular workout routine to receive all the benefits from this product.
#3. Brutal Force Mass Stack:

Brutal Force Mass Stack is an alternative to harmful steroids and you can consume them even on your non workout days.
What is Brutal Force Mass Stack?
It is generally a testosterone booster that is only designed for men. You can buy it from their official website and start consuming. These supplements are FDA and GMP approved and 100 percent natural.
These supplements can increase your metabolism rate and produce more energy so that you can work freely throughout the day. They will also help to increase the blood flow which results in a better oxygen supply in your blood.
The ingredients do not have any side effects and can help in different physical conditions like high blood pressure or fatigue. Brutal Force Mass Stack also has an effect on your mind and can make your mental health healthier.
Types Of The Supplements Available
There are five different supplements available in this stack.
What is the process of intake and what do they do?
- You can take ABULK, HBULK, SBULK, and DBULK every day no matter if you are working out on that day or not. Take 3 capsules of each with some water, 20 minutes before your first meal of the day.
- DEKABULK is only for your workout days. You must take 3 capsules at least about an hour before your workout.
The Brutal Force Mass Stack Ingredients:
The ingredients that are used to make DEKABULK supplements are-
- Wild Yam
- Panax Ginseng
- Acetyl-L-Carnitine HCL
- L-Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate
- Tribulus Terrestris
- L-Citrulline
The ingredients that are used to make HBULK supplements are
- L-Arginine
- Maca Root
- Mucuna Periens
- Hawthorn Berry
The ingredients that are used to make DBULK supplements are
- Vitamin D3
- Methylsulfonylmethane
- Sodium Hyaluronate
- L-Leucine
- Ashwagandha
- Tribulus Terrestris
- Sodium Hyaluronate
The ingredients that are used to make SBULK supplements are
- Zinc
- Vitamin K1
- Vitamin B6
- Vitamin D3
- Magnesium
- Boron Citrate
- Nettle Leaf
- Fenugreek
- Bioperine Black Pepper
- Korean Red Ginseng
- D-Aspartic Acid
The ingredients that are used to make ABULK supplements are
- Tribulus Terrestris
- Longjack Root
- Bulbine Natalensis
- Muira Puama
- Acetyl-L-Carnitine HCL
What are the benefits of Brutal Force Mass Stack intake?
- Certain ingredients like Vitamine D3, Zinc, Ashwagandha, and Fenugreek have proven their effectiveness in boosting the production of testosterone. Brutal Force Mass Stack also has Tribulus and Terrestris which can increase the libido and your sexual drive.
- Ingredients like Vitamine B6 can increase your energy level. Several amino acids, Tribulus Terrestris, and Panax Ginseng can improve blood flow and reduce fatigue. This way you can spend more working.
- Ginseng and Ashwagandha may also have a calming effect on our body and mind. It can help you to handle your problems smoothly and reduce negativity in life. You may develop certain positive thoughts which will help you to active a peaceful and happy mind.
- The supplements are loaded with amino acids and they will help your body to burn up excess fat and fasten the muscle repairing process. This will also prevent your body from gaining excessive weight and have a balanced muscular body.
Pros and Cons Of Brutal Force Mass Stack:
Advantages Of Using These Supplements
- Can boost your testosterone level.
- This also has a huge effect on your cardiovascular activity and libido. it helps your body to reduce inflammation and reduce joint pain.
- Provide a healthy, positive, and calming mindset.
- Reduce fatigue.
- Increase your energy level.
- You can use this product even on your non workout days.
- Using this is safer and healthier than using steroids.
- Amino acids in this supplement can reduce unhealthy weight and repair muscles.
- It has 100 days money back policy.
Disadvantages Of Using These Supplements
- You can only purchase these supplements on their official website.
- It is a bit more costly than other products available on the market.
- Some of the ingredients like Vitamine D3 or Tribulus Terrestris can be toxic to some people. You should consult your doctor once before you start consuming them.
Few Things To Remember Brutal Force Mass Stack
If you are ready to invest your money into some good products and work hard, this supplement will definitely help your body to fasten the process and develop stronger and bigger muscles in no time.
#4. Know About Testoprime:

It is generally a supplement that has multiple uses because its ingredients are considered the fuel for producing testosterone. From weight loss to an increase in sexual drive, you will receive several benefits everywhere.
What is Testoprime?
Men use the supplement testoprime with a goal of getting return their all youthful state. It can improve the mental state as well as the muscle structure. Different conditions like erectile dysfunction need testoprime for the treatment process, it can also help in increasing libido and eliminating fatigue.
If you want to use this as your bulking suppliment do not forget to pair it up with some wright based exercise. Burning fat is really important for producing strong muscles.
What is the process of intake and what do they do?
You have to take 4 pills a day every morning. All the 12 ingredients will start producing testosterone and increase your energy level throughout the whole day.
Testoprime Ingredients:
The ingredients that are used to make these supplements are
- D-Aspartic acid
- Ashwagandha Extract
- Panax Ginseng
- Fenugreek
- Green Tea Extract
- Pomegranate Extract
- Vitamin D
- Black Pepper Extract
- Vitamin B6
- Vitamin B5
- Garlic Extract
- Zinc
What are the benefits of Testoprime intake?
- Ingredients like Ashwagandha, Garlic Extract, Pomegranate Extract, and Panax Ginseng increase the blood flow in the body and improve your libido and sex drive. Reducing muscle fatigue and lactic acid formation is another important benefit.
- This supplement can also help people experiencing conditions like lack of erection or lack of sex drive which is affecting their personal life. Consuming this supplement will help the person to develop an active sexual life with their partner and satsfy each other.
- All these ingredients after pairing up with Vitamine B5 and Vitamine B6 can increase your energy and this way you can spend more time working out and shaping up your muscles and fulfill your desires.
- This supplement is called testosterone fuel. This will start boosting up the testosterone level which can activate the neurotransmitters in your body. As you start pushing them to their limits the neurotransmitters will help you build up new tissues and repair your muscles.
- The increasing level of testosterone will also help you to produce more energy and work hard throughout the day.
- The ingredients of testoprime include extracts of different plants, fruits, flowers, or vegetables which have multiple benefits and are filled with goodness. It is full of different antioxidants which are necessary for your body. Black paper extract contains an important ingredient named Piperine can increase the metabolism rate and burn all the excess body fat you have.
Advantages Of Using These Supplements
- All the ingredients are 100 percent natural and have gone through several clinical trials to prove their benefits.
- The supplements have been through third party testing and have no side effects at all.
- It can boost your testosterone level and increase your sexual drive and improve your libido.
- All the ingredients are full of antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins.
- It has multiple benefits and brings a lot of improvements to your body.
- It has huge money back guarantee.
- It is entirely risk free and has no legal issues.
Disadvantages Of Using These Supplements
- There is still a two percent chance of being ineffective.
- People with several complicated health issues like heart failure, sleep apnea, or blood clotting issues should not use these supplements. It can be really harmful and cause several negative effects.
- People who are caffeine sensitive should not use Testoprime. It has green tea extract which has similar benefits to caffeine. According to several reports Ginesang has caused insomnia in some people which may lead to several complications with regular use.
Few Things To Remember When Using Testoprime
Testoprime is a single supplement with several benefits and is more useful for people who want fewer complications in their life. Though it can improve ceratin health concerns and benefit some serious illnesses, it may have a negative effect on people with certain health conditions.
Always try to be aware of your body and consult a doctor before taking these supplements on a regular basis.
#5. Brutal Trenerol
What is Brutal Trenorol?
Trenorol is generally based on Trenbolone which is an anabolic steroid and androgen. This Trenbolone is used to bulk up the livestock by veterinarians. This has a huge potential for bulking that some bodybuilders use for their benefit. It is highly banned and illegal by most athletic commissions as well as competitive regulatory bodies.
The use of Trenbolone has several side effects like increased levels of blood pressure, myocardial infarction, increased cholesterol, Coronary Artery Disease, premature balding, acne, and reduced sexual function.
Using Trenorol will help you to avoid all these severe illnesses but receive all the benefits that Trenbolone has to offer. There is no worry of any legal issues or any side effects while consuming this supplement.
What is the process of intake and what do they do?
The intake process is quite simpler for this supplement. You only have to take 3 capsules to activate your body’s potential and energy just before you start your work out sessions.
Trenorol Ingredients:
The ingredients that are used to make these supplements are
- Pepsin
- Nettle Leaf Extract
- Samento Inner Bark
- Beta-Sitosterol
What are the benefits of Trenorol intake?
- Cholesterol is really necessary for the production of testosterone. That is why athletes, weight lifters, or bodybuilders always have a higher level of cholesterol they are more prone to have heart disease when they get old than normal people.
- Trenorol can restrict the formation of testosterone when it is not needed and increase the secretion in need. Ingredients like Beta-Sitosterol and Nettle Leaf Extract help to maintain the balance instead of making excessive formation.
- As your body is not producing extra testosterone there is a balance in the cholesterol level in your body as well. This prevents your body to develop any harmful condition, especially heart disease.
- The Pepsin in Trenorol helps the body to absorb all the nutrients in your diet and in the supplement. It prepares your body to get more out of the less. As the testosterone level is maintained in your body the supplement helps your body to use it properly.
- Samento Inner Bark has anti inflammatory qualities which is beneficial for joint pain or arthritis. It helps the body to recover and prevent it from breaking down. It reduces fatigue and allows your body to do more exercise.
- Samemto Inner bark can help your muscles to prevent any injury and heal faster. Your muscles will develop quickly and you can achieve your desired muscle growth soon.
- The Nettle Leaf is considered a vasodialator. It helps to increase the blood flow in your body and increase the oxygen level in your blood. It also helps to increase the metabolism rate and produce more energy. This way you can complete all your work and do more exercise throughout the day.
Pros and Cons Of Brutal Trenorol
Advantages Of Using These Supplements
- Trenorol has some anabolic qualities which can help your body to build muscles and increase the level of testosterone.
- It helps your body to maintain the balance of testosterone and does not let the level overflow.
- It is safer and more healthy.
- It has multiple effects on your body.
- The blood flow in your body is increased which helps to reduce fatigue and increase the energy level in your body.
- Trenorol maintains the balance of testosterone in your body which means the cholesterol level is also in control. With cholesterol levels not rising it will also reduce the risk of having heart disease in your life.
- Trenorol increases the metabolism rate and also keeps your heart healthier.
- If you do not like the product or if it does not suit you the company has a 14-day return policy.
Disadvantages Of Using These Supplements
- If you are planning a pregnancy or you are already pregnant consuming this supplement may be harmful.
- If you are sick or nursing you should not take Trenorol.
- The money back guarantee is not good enough compare to the other supplements.
Few Things To Remember When Using Trenorol
Using Trenorol is simpler and easier to maintain. It can help your body to maintain the testosterone level and prevent it from over formation. Though it has several benefits and it’s safer and not illegal to use, it may have some negative effects on some people.
Last But Not The Least! Things to Consider While Buying A Bodybuilding Sssupplement?
When you are buying a bodybuilding supplement you just consider certain things. Consider your need and how much you are ready to spend first. Then you can find certain products in this range.
Look for the ingredients and find out if you have any allergies. If yes, you should avoid buying that product with that specific ingredient.
If you have certain health complications, severe illness or even if you are pregnant you may have to avoid the consumption of certain supplements. Consult your doctor first to prevent yourself from developing any critical condition.
Medicines with the composition of Magnesium, Vitamin D3, MSM, Ashwagandha, etc are the best for bodybuilding. These medicines help your body to fasten the muscle development and muscle repairing process. Some of the best medicine available in market are Enhance, Huge BCAA, Annihilate, Arachidone, etc.
Supplements like Amino acids, Caffeine, Whey Protein, Creatine, etc can grow and repair your muscle fast. You also need to add some weight lifting exercise to shape your muscle and add a proper diet. Certain supplements can prevent your body to store excess fat and transform it into the muscle to make the process faster.
Bodybuilders need to consume several supplements on a daily basis to boost their energy so that they can spend more time in the Jim. they also need to fasten the process of muscle repairing to achieve their desired physique. Supplements like Whey Protein, Citrulline Malate, Glutamine, Amino Acids, etc are more popular as daily used supplements that have fewer side effects if chosen from the right brands.
Bodybuilding supplements are really necessary for people who are into athletics or bodybuilding to achieve their desired goals. These supplements if chosen with the right ingredients have several benefits which can help gain body mass to develop a muscular physique in no time.