L-Arginine : The Potential Benefits, Dosage, Side Effects And More


The type of amino acid that is usually found naturally in meat and dairy products is known as L-Arginine. It is one of the most critical ingredients used in protein preparation and has a significant role in circulation. It has many vital roles in the proper functioning of the human body. In living things, Arginine is prepared by the Urea Cycle. Due to these many uses, studying L-Arginine has become significant.

Read on to learn more about L-Arginine, the preparation, uses, and functions of L-Arginine in the human body.

About L-Arginine

Arginine, a vital amino acid, was first extracted in 1886 when a German chemist named Ernst Schulze extracted Arginine from yellow-colored lupin seedlings. This extraction of Arginine was performed by Ernst Schulze and his assistant Ernst Steiger. Due to the slightly silver appearance of the crystal of Arginine Nitrate, Ernst named it árgyros, a Greek word for silver.

The structure of Arginine was determined by Schulze and Ernst Winterstein in 1897. These two again synthesized L-Arginine from cyanamide and ornithine. However, until 1910 the structure of Arginine was not very clear. To overcome this confusion over the design of Arginine, Sorenson gave a clear picture of the form of Arginine.

Biosynthesis of L-Arginine by dairy products

L-Arginine is synthesized naturally by the metabolism of the dairy products we eat. L-Arginine can be either essential or semi-essential depending upon the condition of the human body. It was found that regular patients do not require any external source of L-Arginine because consumption of everyday daily products is enough to meet the daily requirements of L-Arginine.

Dietary Arginine is essential in the condition of clotting, recovery of injuries, and lowering of blood pressure. Most nutritional products lead to the formation of citrulline. From this citrulline, Arginine is synthesized. This sequential reaction of conversion of citrulline to Arginine is carried out by cytosolic enzymes such as argininosuccinate lyase and argininosuccinate synthetase. This process of formation of Arginine is a part of the Urea cycle. Like every mammal, Arginine in the human body is produced within the mammalian liver.

Need for L-Arginine drugs

L-Arginine usually is synthesized naturally by the Urea cycle, as mentioned above. However, in some cases of low blood pressure, erectile dysfunction, and Angina, Arginine synthesis becomes very low. During this condition, L-Arginine is given externally through certain drugs.

These externally consumed L-Arginine drugs are instrumental in curing the patient showing symptoms of Angina and the patient with low blood pressure. L-Arginine was traditionally obtained by hydrolysis of Gelatin. It is usually produced by fermentation, and it is found that for every Glucose used as a carbon source, 25-35 g/litre is made.

Production of L-Arginine by fermentation

For the large-scale production of L-Arginine, fermentation is used. In this process, Brevibacterium, a mutant of Corynebacterium, is used to produce L-Arginine. Unlike citrulline and ornithine, L-Arginine is the end product of the L-Arginine Biosynthetic pathway; it cannot be synthesized using auxotrophic mutants.

Also, it is found for the production of L-Arginine mutants of E-coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Using this mutant as a source for L-Arginine has made producing a large amount of L-Arginine possible. The condition was not the same 30 years ago when analog-resistant mutants, a form of regulatory mutants, were used to produce L-Arginine.

The presentation by mutants of E-coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae has made large-scale production of L-Arginine relatively easy. Genetic engineering or transduction has now been applied to produce high-quality L-Arginine to increase further efficiency and quality.

How L-Arginine drugs Works

L-Arginine, a beneficial drug in treating patients suffering from heart disease, is composed of around 32% nitrous oxide. L-Arginine, when consumed, breaks down to Nitrous oxide. This nitrous oxide is beneficial in widening the blood vessels and might help to relieve chest pain and thereby decrease the symptoms of Angina. L-Arginine also causes the release of growth hormones by stimulating specific sites of our body. This

the ability of L-Arginine drugs to stimulate the secretion of growth hormones helps to maintain blood sugar levels by maintaining Insulin levels within the body.

Uses of L-Arginine drugs :

L-Arginine drugs are often recommended to patients suffering from low blood pressure or who show symptoms of Angina and many more diseases. As L-Arginine drugs help counter many diseases hence uses of L-Arginine medicines for different conditions should be appropriately studied:

  • Chest pain or angina pectoris is usually caused due to deposition of fats within the arteries. The deposit leads to the narrowing of arteries which ultimately results in chest pain. As a counter against angina or chest pain,n it is found that consuming Arginine helps relieve the chest pain of the patient suffering from Angina by improving exercise tolerance. L-Arginine, however, does not work well with increasing the width of the vessels in patients with Angina.
  • Erectile dysfunction is another problem that can be cured by giving L-Arginine. Taking around 2.5 grams of Arginine might go well in patients with ED. The mode of administration in ED is through the mouth. Taking L-Arginine with tadalafil and sildenafil works much better than taking L-Arginine alone.
  • Arginine that breaks down into nitrous oxide is vital in widening the blood vessel. This widening of blood vessels decreases blood pressure. A patient suffering from high blood pressure can take L-Arginine to lower blood pressure. L-Arginine can be given to diabetic and non-diabetic patient heart patients.
  • Necrotizing enterocolitis, or NEC, is a severe intestinal disease that is mainly caused by premature infants. Mixing L-Arginine with specific formulas might help reduce the chances of NEC in premature infants.
  • Narrow blood vessels might affect the blood flow towards the limb. Peripheral arterial disease caused due to this might be cured by taking L-Arginine through the mouth or taking an IV for eight weeks. These drugs increase the blood flow.
  • Pre-eclampsia is when blood pressure and protein concentration are increased in the urine. This condition marks the pregnancy compilation. This condition is cured by taking L-Arginine through IV. Taking Arginine also helps reduce the challenges of Pre-eclampsia in healthy patients. And IV products are and should be given by the healthcare professional.
  • It has been seen that pregnancy often comes with high blood pressure. To cure this, the patient is recommended to take L-Arginine through IV. The reason for taking it through IV and not through the mouth is that it is still unclear whether taking L-Arginine will work against blood pressure.

Side effects of L-Arginine :

L-Arginine, which comes with many benefits, is found to cause some side effects when taken without a physician’s recommendation. Side effects of L-Arginine are grouped into several categories:

  • When administered via mouth: Taking a small amount of L-Arginine doesn’t significantly impact the patient’s health. However, when taken in large amounts, L-Arginine might cause specific side effects such as low blood pressure, blot, and many more diseases.
  • When used on the skin: Short-term use of Arginine on the skin is safe. However, when taken in large amounts, it might result in burning sensations.
  • When inhaled: L-Arginine is found to have no significant impact on most patients.

FAQs :

How can I maintain an average Arginine level?

Maintaining normal Arginine levels is very important because Arginine plays a significant role in the recovery of injury and maintaining blood pressure, and it has a role in clotting. For ordinary people, the Arginine level is supported by a regular diet. Including dairy products might go well with maintaining normal Arginine levels.
However, arginine levels might be low in some patients with Necrotizing enterocolitis or Erectile dysfunction. For this condition, a physician might recommend you for an Arginine drug. The mode of administration of Arginine can either be oral or IV. While taking an Arginine doctor’s recommendation is a must.

Are there any nuts low in L-arginine?

Many nuts are low in l-arginine, including peanuts, pecans, and walnuts. Other nuts that are low in l-arginine include almonds, hazelnuts, and pistachios.
The reason nuts are low in l-arginine is that they do not have a lot of protein. They also contain a lot of fiber and fat, which means they are not very high in calories either. This means that you can eat as many nuts as you want without worrying about gaining weight or becoming unhealthy.

Is taking L-Arginine safe?

L-Arginine when taken under controlled dosage and with the recommendation of doctors is normally considered safe. However, taking L-Arginine without a doctor’s recommendation can sometimes be risky; hence, you should take it only when your physician asks you for it. Taking L-Arginine through the mouth for a long time might lead to various diseases such as bloating and diarrhea, and also it was found that using L-Arginine might lead to burned and red skin.
So, it is recommended that a patient must not use L-Arginine for long intervals and should always consult a doctor for any convenience caused after taking medicine. Also, while taking L-Arginine, the patient should be sure of the dosage form the patient has to consume. Doctors should also ensure the patient’s dosage is safe and appropriate.

How does L-Arginine help with heart disease?

L-Arginine is a non-essential amino acid that helps your body make nitric oxide, which helps relax blood vessels and arteries. Nitric oxide is also important for proper immune function and regulation of blood pressure.
Research has shown that L-arginine supplementation can improve blood flow by helping to lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol levels, and improve the function of your heart muscle.
It’s important to note that you should only take L-arginine if you’re healthy enough to do so. If you have any health conditions or are taking any medications, speak with your doctor before trying any supplements.

Can I use L-Arginine for kidney-related diseases?

L-Arginine is an essential protein that has nothing to do with kidney functioning. L-Arginine doesn’t go well with kidney-related diseases; hence you should avoid taking L-Arginine drugs in case of Kidney related disorders.
Instead, it is composed of 32% Nitrous oxide. Whenever a patient takes the L-Arginine drugs, it breaks down into nitrous oxide. Nitrous oxide, which is specialized in widening blood vessels, then helps clean the blood vessels and thereby protecting patients with high blood pressure and to relieve the symptoms of Angina.
Also, it is found that L-Arginine typically goes well with pregnant ladies. It plays a vital role in lowering the blood pressure of both diabetic and none diabetic patients.

Does L-arginine boost testosterone levels?

In short: no. There’s some evidence that L-arginine could lower your testosterone levels by interfering with the production of testosterone by your testicles.
The reason for this is that L-arginine makes its way into the bloodstream and triggers a process called nitric oxide synthase (NOS). This enzyme is responsible for making nitric oxide in our cells—but when it comes across L-arginine, NOS will convert it into other substances instead of using it to make nitric oxide. That’s why researchers believe that taking too much L-arginine could lead to decreased levels of nitric oxide and therefore lower levels of testosterone production by your testes.

Where is L-Arginine used?

L-Arginine drugs are essential drugs for heart patients. It is used to cure other heart-related issues such as blood pressure, where L-Arginine increases blood pressure and relieves chest pain. L-Arginine is mainly given to adults for about 18 months. And the dose recommended for adults can range from 1-2.4 grams. Also, sometimes L-Arginine is sold in gels where L-Arginine is mixed with several other liquids. Hence it would help if you spoke to your doctor to get the best form of dosage for you for the best results.

Conclusion :

L-Arginine is a chemical that occurs naturally in the body. It’s also used for medicinal purposes, and when taken as an amino acid supplement, it has many benefits for overall health. When you want to boost your heart health, increase your athletic prowess, treat erectile dysfunction, or otherwise improve your overall wellbeing, L-Arginine can help you do it.

L-Arginine has so many useful applications, but it’s important to remember that it comes in different strengths. They range anywhere from 500 mg to 10 Grams. Any less than 500 mg might not be effective. That being said, exercise and genetics play a role in helping you achieve harder erections.

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