L-Leucine : Effective For Muscle Growth And Regeneration


A potent necessary amino acid renowned for preserving muscle mass is L-leucine. Make sure you’re receiving enough in our diet to benefit from the advantages of l-leucine for a well-rounded diet.

How Does L-Leucine Work:

Every source of proteins has a different amino acid profile since amino acids are the building blocks of protein. According to the National Institutes of Health,L- leucine, isoleucine, plus valine constitute branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) that give energy when exercising (NIH).

What else does leucine are doing for your body and for whom is it beneficial? According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, amino acids have a variety of functions in the body, mostly in the synthesis of proteins. Leucine is one of the necessary amino acids that the body cannot produce on its own and must be received from a diet. Leucine is available in some plant-based diets (more about which below), but according to the NIH, it is typically present in higher concentrations and is simpler to locate in food derived from animals. Followers of a plant-based diet should monitor their consumption of leucine more carefully because of this. Chicken, beef, pork, tuna, tofu, beans, milk, cheese, squash seeds, plus eggs are all examples of foods that are high in leucine, according to the USDA.

Foods containing L- leucine

For the majority of people, getting leucine and certain other BCAAs from the diet is the safest option. Since supplements are not regulated by the Food as well as Drug Administration, they might not contain exactly what they claim to. They might have unwanted effects and interact with different medicines. Dietary sources are generally typically reliable, affordable, and delectable

The specific amino acids are not included on food nutrition labels, therefore most individuals should focus on consuming adequate protein. Any person carrying 140 pounds would require 49g of protein, which is approximately 7 grams (g) per 20 pounds overall body weight. You can get all the protein you need from both plants as well as animal sources. Animal products were once thought to be the best sources of protein since they contain all nine essential amino acids.

L-Leucine and certain other BCAAs can be found in a wide variety of foods. Take into account these excellent sources for amino acids:

  • Salmon

You can acquire omega-3 fatty acids plus amino acids from salmon. Farm-raised fish raises some health issues. Limit your monthly servings or go for wild-caught options.

  • Chickpeas

These superfoods are a good source of iron and include 7g of protein, 6g of fiber, and half a cup of them. You can eat them as hummus or include them in salads, curries, soups, and even stews.

  • Brown Rice

Rather than white rice, consider brown. Numerous people like the nutty flavor and moderately chewy texture something you’ll experience.

  • Eggs

An egg a day is acceptable, according to the American Heart Association. That egg contains 6g of protein.

  • Soybeans

This adaptable legume can be found in tofu, tempeh, edamame, and even roasted soybeans, among other forms. Textured soy protein is widely accessible in stores nowadays. In several meals, it can take the place of meat.

Do We Need Much L-Leucine?

For the consumption of macronutrients including protein, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) offers recommendations. For instance, the 2020–2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that an adult female take roughly 46 grams of protein a day (or 10 percent to 35 percent of their daily calories). A daily protein intake for adult men of 56 grams is recommended. 1

Based on weight and exercise level, other healthcare groups offer advice. For instance, the American College of Sports Medicine advises athletes to ingest 0.5 to 0.8 grams of protein for every pound of body mass each day when they include strength training in regular workouts.

Benefits of L-Leucine:

This crucial amino acid has a lot of crucial functions for your health. Some top leucine wellness advantages are listed here.

  • The increased mass of muscle

According to the University of Rochester Medical Center, leucine might aid in the bone as well as skin healing, enhance muscle size, and enhance lean body mass (one reason bodybuilders frequently use leucine for muscle building).

L-Leucine has been shown to improve body composition among healthy young as well as middle-aged individuals, but older adults, particularly those who are predisposed towards sarcopenia, the reduction of muscle tissue increasing age, have shown more consistently beneficial results in research.

In April 2015 meta-analysis mostly in the Journal of Nutrition, Health, & Aging found that leucine supplements had positive benefits on the body’s weight, body weight index, and especially muscle mass among older persons at risk for sarcopenia.

Leucine’s significance in damage recovery is continuously supported by research, which is another advantage of l-leucine. According to a review published in Nutrients in August 2020, augmenting inadequate protein intake using leucine might be a practical and effective strategy to counteract anabolic resistance, which could also result in reductions in skeletal muscle growth. ​However, according to the University of Rochester Medical Center, there is no solid evidence that taking supplements of amino acids including leucine will improve athletic performance or hasten the recovery after exercise in the general population.

  • Controlled Blood Sugar

According to the University of Rochester Medical Center, this crucial amino acid could also aid in controlling blood sugar. A tiny December 2008 study in Metabolism found that when leucine was consumed along with glucose, it decreased the blood glucose responses and dramatically increased additional insulin secretion. ​

According to research published in Nutrition Reviews in May 2010, leucine has a significant role in controlling blood glucose levels through its effects on pancreatic cells, liver, muscle, and even body fat.

After all course, this does not imply that taking a leucine supplement would ensure stable blood sugar levels. According to the Mayo Clinic, consuming a diversified diet that includes healthy carbs, foods high in fiber, including good fats (polyunsaturated as well as monounsaturated fats) has been one of the best approaches to controlling your blood sugar levels. Consult your doctor about a personalized healthy eating regimen if you suffer from diabetes or are concerned about your blood sugar levels.

  • Production of Human Growth Hormone

Human growth hormone (HGH) synthesis might well be increased by leucine, according to the University of Rochester Medical Institute.

Based on the Mayo Clinic, HGH promotes growth in children and keeps your tissues as well as organs healthy all your life. But as you get older, your pituitary gland generates less growth hormone.

Because of this, synthetic HGH is highly publicized: According to the Mayo Clinic, except if your doctor recommends it for a specific illness like growth hormone insufficiency, you should be suspicious about whether it helps prevent age-related problems like bone loss. There seems to be minimal proof that HGH can increase youth or vitality in healthy persons.

To maintain your general health, you should try to include leucine in your diet. However, you shouldn’t anticipate that taking a leucine supplement will make you eternally young.

  • Loss of weight

L-Leucine promotes weight loss and has received little research in humans. Despite this, some evidence suggests that leucine participates in important metabolic processes. As previously mentioned, this may help to maintain blood glucose levels. According to a previous January 2003 analysis in The Journal of Nutrition, L-leucine may be utilized for weight control or weight loss programs. Leucine intake in the diet may affect how much muscle is maintained while dieting. There isn’t a set amount of leucine to take to lose weight, though.

Furthermore, it doesn’t always imply that you should start stocking up on L-leucine supplements or anticipate fat burning from leucine. In general, fad diets plus supplements don’t promote sustained weight loss. Instead, choose a continuous lifestyle that incorporates sensible objectives, a healthy diet, and regular exercise, advises the U.S. Centers for Diseases Control & Protection.

Side Effects of L-Leucine:

It is always preferable to obtain your nutrients from real meals since supplements may cause negative adverse effects. The following negative consequences of consuming leucine supplements have been reported either by the University of Rochester Medical Center:

  • Negative nitrogen balances: Any single amino acid supplementation may result in any negative nitrogen balance, which could impair metabolism and put additional strain on the kidneys.
  • Hypoglycemia: Low blood sugar might result from extremely high L-leucine dosages.
  • Pellagra: Additionally, very high dosages of L-leucine can result in pellagra, a condition marked by skin lesions, gastrointestinal issues, and hair loss.

According to the U.S. Food & Drug Administration, in general, supplements shouldn’t be used in place of balanced, healthy meals, and it’s crucial to consume a wide range of foods. It is possibly dangerous to take too many supplements, combine supplements with medications, or combine supplements with other substances. Your doctor can advise you on whether you require leucine supplements and assist you in finding a nutritious balance between the meals and nutrients you require.


Leucine could interact inadvertently with some drugs because of its function in the body’s metabolic processes. It is best to speak with your doctor before introducing leucine vitamins to your diet especially if you are currently on any medications for diabetes, high blood cholesterol, or thyroid issues.

How to Increase Your L-Leucine Intake

Leucine is mostly found mainly animal foods like beef, chicken, fish, cheese, eggs, as well as milk, while it can also be contained in trace levels in some plant-based meals.

Naturally, it’s best to concentrate on a well-balanced meal rather than a single nutrient, in particular, therefore make sure any leucine-rich meals you select are a part of a regular, wholesome eating regimen.

According to a September 2016 study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, men who followed a vegan diet showed statistically significant decreased blood levels for leucine, whereas vegetarians had equivalent (but still lower) amounts compared to meat eaters. This implies that the vegetarians’ bloodstreams’ source of leucine was most likely milk sources, which are rich in leucine. According to the Academy for Nutrition and Dietetics, when you follow a vegetarian or vegan diet lifestyle, make sure to consume adequate protein through plant-based products as well as routinely consume soybeans, soy-based items, and legumes to obtain the necessary amino acids, particularly L-leucine. Leucine’s recommended daily intake (RDI) is 17.7 mg per lb of body weight.

Medications and Instructions

It is advised that you take about two 2,500 mg dosages per day for the optimum benefits. These can be incorporated into a protein smoothie or dissolved in the water.

You can maximize the advantages in terms of muscular maintenance by spreading out all the dosages throughout the day. You’ll get the biggest increase in muscle production if you take one dose between one-two hour before a workout. It is advised to take the leucine supplementation with valine and isoleucine. You’ll be able to keep the right balance of all these amino acids by doing this.

Why Consume L-Leucine?

Leucine has extensive positive effects that seem to be consistent across a wide variety of individuals. It is the most significant branched-chain amino acid and also an essential amino acid. Your muscular growth and strength could be increased by taking supplements containing L-leucine. When taken one to two hours before working out, it can increase the effectiveness of your effort. Leucine can prevent muscle loss if you are hurt and have to take some time off. Your muscle fibers will recover more quickly as a result.


What advantages does L-leucine have?

Enhancing performance and improving body composition are two of leucine’s key advantages.

What foods have L-leucine in them?

Meats like beef as well as chicken, fish like tuna, plus plant-based sources like nuts, seeds, and tofu all contain leucine.

How does L-leucine change the way your body looks?

L- Leucine can improve body composition by activating a signaling pathway that results in the creation of muscle protein. Additionally, it can stop muscular deterioration when inactive.

How does L-leucine boost productivity?

Leucine promotes muscular growth and, when combined with resistance training, aids in the development of strength. L-Leucine supplementation can increase endurance by restoring L-leucine levels that have been lost during exercise.


L-Leucine has numerous health advantages, is a crucial part of your everyday protein requirements for good health, and may have a variety of performance-enhancing effects when taken as a supplement. On top of a healthy diet, consuming little enough as 4g per day may support the development of lean muscle mass, boost strength, prolong endurance, and stop the breakdown of muscle tissue.

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