Leanbean Review 2022: Best Appetite Suppressant For Women

Are you wary of weight loss regimes? Are you among those women who are juggling work with household errands and finding no time for exercises and hence carrying on with nasty weights? Read this honest Leanbean Review for a way out.

Many times people get stuck up with routine, finding no time or will to shed the excess weight. This is particularly so for the women who hate dieting which often shatters their changing mood and have to escape training due to constraints of managing both the work and the household chores.

But relax, don’t start itching your hands so fast. Read through the article and know about the supplement Leanbean which is specially formulated keeping in mind the needs of the women. Read to know about the product, its ingredients, beneficial effects of consuming the supplement, pros & cons, side effects and how the supplement suits you the best.

leanbean reviews


What is Leanbean

Leanbean is a powerful health supplement made from all natural ingredients, It is manufactured by Ultimate Life Limited. The company is based in the United Kingdom.

There are many weight loss supplements on the online market. But not many weight loss supplements are dedicated for the use of women. The manufacturer of the weight loss supplement Leanbean, Ultimate Life Limited was created with the sole objective of providing the women with a working solution to their weight loss issues. There is no arguing with the fact that women are different when we compare them with the men. 

Mother Nature has created them with a different constitution for looking after the offsprings and building a safe haven for the family. They have a different hormonal balance. They are very sensitive, caring and creative. All diets which can be tolerated by the men equipped with high levels of testosterone and adrenaline, backed by hard training, may not suit the women.

This had posed a challenging task for the planners of the company, Ultimate Life Limited, UK. They had to find a solution not only to the needs of the women in general but also to the needs of the modern working women. They considered the various problems which the working as well as the non-working women face today in their day to day struggle.

Finally after years of research they came out with the supplement Leanbean. The formulation has been designed including such potent natural ingredients which would suit the working and the non-working modern women and provide them with quick results showing a significant difference in the composition of their body, shedding extra fats and gaining lean muscles.

All our enquiries have indicated that the company strictly follows their quality assurance policy while sourcing the ingredients. As the facilities where the manufacturing is done are certified by FDA, the quality of the ingredients are assured. The manufacturing process is aso GMP certified and hence the customers are assured of getting the quality products.

The manufacturer takes special care to see that the products are non-GMO, free from allergens and friendly to the vegans.

The company has another women friendly product as a pre-workout supplement called Powher, in addition to the weight loss supplement dedicated for the women, Leanbean.


What the company Guarantee about Leanbean

  1. The company claims that their product for weight loss called Leanbean is specially made for women. The selection of the ingredients and the quantity of each ingredient has been decided keeping in mind the unique build of the woman’s body. The highly sensitive psyche of women does not comply with strong ingredients such as high doses of caffeine. Also during the period the mental tranquility of the women gets disturbed. At such times strong intake of some dietary ingredients may cause further anomalies. The developer of the supplement Leanbean had to take care of all these while finalizing the formulation of the supplement.
  2. The ingredients of the weight loss supplement Leanbean has been so designed as to suppress hunger cravings, reducing the intake of more calories. As for example the inclusion of the ingredient Glucomannan can be cited at this stage. Glucomannan has a feature that by consuming this ingredient the stomach gets a swelling resulting in a fullness feeling. Due to the feeling of fullness of stomach the users will not have hunger and the calorie intake will be reduced. In order to achieve the best results the developer of the supplement Leanbean has included the maximum permissible limit of the ingredient Glucomannan. The quantity per each dose comes to 3 grams daily which is the dose approved by the EU and clinically proven to work.
  3. The perfect blend of the natural ingredients increases the metabolism rate. For example the ingredient Choline helps in enhancing the fat metabolism helping weight loss.
  4. The weight loss supplement Leanbean fights fatigue and tiredness, boosts energy levels and improves cognitive abilities. By being more focused and filled with high levels of energy the users will be ready for a long training helping them to shed more fats. The inclusion of vital vitamins are cited as examples which eliminate all deficiencies and increase immunity. The vitamin complexes also boost energy level so that you are ready to push harder.
  5. The company also claims that the women have difficulty in suppressing their appetite compared to men. The  brain made up of women is different from the men making it hard for the women to resist hunger cravings. By forcibly suppressing the hunger cravings they become irritable and prone to anger. The weight loss supplement Leanbean has given consideration to this trait of the women and has included ingredients so that the supplement would naturally suppress the hunger cravings without having to resist the appetite.

How the company achieved to negotiate the claims scientifically

How the claims of the company have been substantiated scientifically can only be understood when we approach the supplement by investigating the ingredients which have been included and by what quantity to achieve the best blending which would give the best results.

Leanbean Ingredients


The designers of the formula of the weight loss supplement Leanbean has intelligently included the ingredient Glucomannan that too in a sufficient quantity which is approved by the EU. you will seldom find an amount of 3 grams of glucomannan in any health supplement for weight loss.

Use of Glucomannan as a significant weight loss ingredient has also been approved by EFSA. By suppressing the appetite due to its effect on the stomach by which it is able to swell the stomach and bring a feeling of fullness of stomach, it helps in reducing the intake of calories and helps towards achieving  the goal of shedding weight.

Glucomannan is a fiber rich ingredient. When an amount of 3 grams per day of glucomannan is consumed by the users, it will surely contribute highly to suppressing the appetite.

People who consume glucomannan in their empty stomach three times a day are benefited significantly.


Lately choline has been considered as a nutrient which gets synthesized by the liver. Studies have confirmed that choline increases the fat metabolism of the body. Unfortunately the body’s mechanism cannot produce much choline. Body gets the supply of choline from external sources, from the food we eat. By adding choline in the weight loss supplement Leanbean, the developer of the supplement has put emphasis on enhancing the metabolism. Increased metabolism also triggers thermogenesis thereby melting the excessive fats. The beneficial effects of choline are:

  • Enhances fat metabolism and stimulates the body’s natural process of fat burning
  • It also supports homocysteine metabolism

Vitamin B6 & B12

We all know that the vitamin B complex is an essential group of vitamins which performs multidimensional beneficial effects on the human body. By increasing the energy metabolism rate it helps in shedding extra weight. The other beneficial effects of the vitamin B complex are:

  • It fights fatigue and chronic tiredness. This is why your doctor often prescribes vitamin B complex whenever you report tired feeling and run down feeling.
  • Doctors also give you vitamin B complex when you complain of muscle ache or cramps. In fact vitamin B complex is an essential vitamin which helps in the proper functioning of the muscles as well as the nervous system.

Chromium Picolinate

Chromium is considered as an essential mineral which helps in the functioning of the micronutrient metabolism of the body. This mineral has been added to the supplement with a view to improve the general well being so that the users can resort to a healthy living and resort to hard training with a view to shedding extra fats.

Chromium Picolinate is a form of the chromium mineral which is easily absorbed by the human body. In this angle the selection of the ingredient chromium picolinate is a wise decision and must be appreciated. After absorption by the body the trace mineral chromium helps in regulating the glucose levels of the blood. So the users of the weight loss supplement Leanbean will have a sound health with controlled parameters and will be saved from conditions such as diabetes and heart ailments. 


This is a mineral which acts like an electrolyte. Electrolytes are charged particles which are very important for health. It keeps the humans well hydrated and helps in curing muscle cramps. Chloride is also important for the production of Hydrochloric acid in the stomach along with the other electrolytes such as potassium and sodium. In this way the inclusion of chloride is important for the proper digestion. This is the reason why nowadays potassium chloride is used instead of common salt.


Zinc improves immunity and is widely used by doctors. Zinc can be found in foods such as animal meat as well as in some plants. In addition to improving immunity, zinc also helps in reducing inflammation. Zinc has beneficial effects by improving the metabolism and synthesis of protein. Synthesis of protein is very important for the growth and sustenance of the muscles. It seems that the manufacturer has included zinc in the formula for getting bigger lean muscles and living a healthy life with stronger immunity and fighting all the inflammation conditions.

Green coffee

The coffee which we drink is made from roasted coffee beans. During the process of roasting many substances which are healthy for humans get lost. 

The green coffee beans are a rich source of antioxidants and also contain chlorogenic acid. Chlorogenic acid improves the composition of the body while antioxidants reduce oxidative stress due to the formation of free radicals. By eliminating the free radicals the antioxidants play a major role to reduce oxidative stress which is very detrimental for the human body.

Green coffee contains a small amount of caffeine too which improves metabolism and brings alertness and focus.


The manufacturer of the weight loss supplement for the women has included turmeric to replace caffeine keeping in mind the specific requirements of the women. Due to the sensitive constitution of the women, anhydrous caffeine is not suitable and may cause a number of side effects which the women would not like to handle. But turmeric is a traditional medicine in the ayurvedic system of medicine and can act as a healthy alternative to caffeine. 

Turmeric contains curcumin which is a potent antioxidant. It is antibacterial and fights infections. Turmeric has many beneficial effects to human health such as fighting infection in the digestive system, helping in digestion, improving skin texture and so on.

It is a good choice by the manufacturer of the weight loss supplement Leanbean.

Garcinia Cambogia

Garcinia Cambogia is a traditional fruit which has been used for treating a number of conditions by our ancestors for centuries. It gives the users a feeling of fullness of stomach thereby reducing calorie intake. The skin of the fruit contains hydroxycitric acid.

Hydroxycitric acid is a popular ingredient in weight loss supplements. It has two pronged actions, one suppressing appetite and the other preventing fat storage. It also inhibits using the stored fats in the muscles thus extending the training time and eliminating fatigue.

However when used for short term purposes the users may have side effects such as digestive issues and headache. But in using the ingredient for the long term all the side effects get subsided.

The developers of the weight loss supplement Leanbean have included quite a substantial amount of Garcinia Cambogia to the extent of 100 mg per day, which is a good blending approach.

Acai Berry

This little berry has been consumed by the tribal people of the Amazon for centuries. After scientific studies which revealed many beneficial effects of the ingredients the berry has been included in the supplement to take the good aftereffects of the berry.


This is a well known spice used all over the world. Piperine is the extract of pepper which is also known as black pepper. Piperine is a bioavailable ingredient. It helps in the absorption of the other ingredients of the supplement by the body. This is also an intelligent choice aimed at increasing the effectiveness of all the potent ingredients which have been included in the weight loss supplement Leanbean.

Piperine improves the test and is thermogenic. By producing extra heat it helps in melting the stored fat.

How Leanbean works :

Two things are most important for any weight loss supplement to work with 100% efficiency. First is the selection of the ingredients aiming at the targeted audience and the purpose for which the supplement has been prepared or formula of the supplement designed. We have already discussed the selection of the ingredients in the weight loss supplement Leanbean. Our comment regarding the selection is that the developer of the supplement Leanbean had been quite intelligent in the selection process, including all potent natural ingredients which will be suiting to the women users. 

This is a remarkable achievement. The manufacturer of the weight loss supplement Leanbean has delved deep into the woman psyche to find the right ingredients which on one hand would be soft on their constitution and on the other hand give significant weight loss and body-trimming results. We think the manufacturers have succeeded in their venture and their selected ingredients would help the women desiring to shed extra weight while struggling hard to negotiate work and household chores simultaneously.

Coming to the blending part of the ingredients let us look into the amounts of the various ingredients included in the weight loss supplement Leanbean.

Recommended dose two capsules per serving.

Single container of the weight loss supplement Leanbean contains 90 servings.

Ingredients per serving:

Pyridoxine HCI or vitamin B6566.67 mcg
Methylocobalamine or vitamin B12 0.8 mcg
Negotiate Glycinate chelate or trace mineral chromium 11.67mcg11.67mcg
Zinc oxide or zinc mineral3.67 mg
Potassium chloride or potassium 3.33 mg3.33 mg
Amorphophallus konjac root or glucomannan 1000 mg1000 mg
Choline DL-Bitartrate or choline 27.5 mg27.5 mg
Extract of Garcinia Cambogia fruit 33.33 mg33.33 mg
Extract of green coffee bean 16.67 mg16.67 mg
Circuma longa root extract or turmeric 16.67 mg16.67 mg
Euterpe oleracea or extract of acid berry 6.67 mg6.67 mg
Black pepper fruit or piperine 1.67 mg1.67 mg

Additives and fillers: hypromellose, magnesium stearate, silica

Leanbean Dosage :

2 capsules 3 times a day. To be swallowed with two glasses of water 30 minutes prior to taking food, conveniently before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Take care not to exceed the prescribed dose. By taking more capsules you are not going to get fast results, on the other hand it may cause harm to your body.

For any apprehension you must consult your doctor before starting the supplement. 

Leanbean Pros

  • Made from natural organic ingredients 
  • No stimulant added
  • Suited to the requirements of the women
  • Glucomannan in sufficient amount suppresses the appetite
  • No need of resisting appetite, which proves quite devastating for the women
  • Vegan friendly
  • Soy and gluten free
  • Manufacturing facilities are FDA approved

Leanbean Cons

  • May take slightly longer period to show results
  • The capsules are to be taken three times a day.

FAQs for the weight loss supplement Leanbean

Who can take the weight loss supplement Leanbean?

Leanbean is a weight loss supplement made from natural ingredients. It can be consumed by any person over the age of 18 years. But the supplement is specifically formulated considering the requirements of the women. In most of the weight loss supplements the manufacturers include high doses of caffeine. But most women are unable to withstand high doses of caffeine.

It may cause insomnia, digestive issues and uneasiness. Leanbean contains turmeric which is a useful ingredient having many beneficial effects excluding the toxic effects of caffeine. Also the supplement contains a sufficient amount of glucomannan. It comes to 3 grams of glucomannan per day. You have to take 2 capsules 3 times a day.

What is the methodology of work of the weight loss supplement Leanbean?

The supplement works in three ways. Firstly, the ingredients of the supplement such as Glucomannan, reduces hunger raving by causing a feeling of fullness of stomach. In this way the supplement reduces the calorie intake which is the first condition for losing weight, burning more calories than the intake.
Secondly the selected ingredients including the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, help in increasing the rate of metabolism.

Enhanced metabolism increases the fat burning process helping in losing weight. Thirdly by fighting oxidative stress, improving immunity and properly hydrating the body, the supplement helps the users to prolong their training. The more you train hard, the more the calories get burnt, the more you start losing weight.

How many doses does each single container of the weight loss supplement Leanbean contain?

single container of Leanbean weight loss supplement contains 180 capsules. You have to take 2 capsules, 3 times daily, making the total count per day to 6 capsules. Hence a single container of Leanbean will have doses for 30 days.

How should I take the weight loss supplement Leanbean?

you need to take 2 capsules 3 times a day. The capsules are to be swallowed with two glasses of water 30 minutes prior to breakfast, lunch and dinner. The doses have been spread out all over the day to equitably supply the ingredients without overloading the system.

Shall I become too energetic after consuming the supplement?

Leanbean has been designed in such a way that it acts softly, slowly and gradually without producing any sudden jerk. The supplement has been deliberately made with a low amount of stimulant. Caffeine content has been kept to the minimum. Alternatively turmeric is added for its many beneficial effects. Vitamins and trace minerals have been added to fight out tiredness and muscle cramps.

The approach of the supplement is to bring in improvement in a soft way so that the women dealing with work and family chores are not put to extremities for the sake of losing weight. The supplement will not cause any hectic energy surge and you will not feel much discomfort while consuming the supplement. Rather you will have the aptitude to train harder for a longer time.

What are the side effects of the weight loss supplement Leanbean?

In contrast to the aggressive weight loss supplement for the men which contain a large amount of caffeine, leanbean does not contain any stimulant. Furthermore, all the ingredients are natural and soft on humans. Hence there is no risk of any side effects after consuming the supplement regularly for a prolonged period of time.

How much caffeine is there in Leanbean weight Loss supplements?

Leanbean contains trace amounts of caffeine. Only a meager amount of caffeine gets into the supplement due to the addition of green coffee bean extract in the supplement. The total contribution of caffeine per day from the leanbean supplement comes to 10 mg maximum. For the sake of comparison it can be cited here that one cup of coffee contains 100 mg of caffeine.

So 10 mg of caffeine intake per day is quite an insignificant amount to cause any side effects due to caffeine. The supplement will seem to be an ideal one for the people who want to do training in the afternoon or before bedtime.

How safe is the weight loss supplement Leanbean?

Leanbean is made from natural ingredients with minimal stimulating caffeine. All the ingredients are sourced from tested GMP certified sources. The facilities where the supplement is manufactured are all FDA approved facilities. This ensures that the quality of the ingredients and the product are assured.
The company has a provision of third party testing in their quality assurance plan.

It means that each product will have to pass through third party tests. Hence the female product which you buy on the online market is of high quality.

Does the company offer any risk free buying option?

The company does offer a risk free buying option through their 100% money back guarantee. But in order to avail the guarantee you have to use the supplement for 90 days, six capsules a day. Even after 90 days if the user finds that the supplement is not working then the company will refund the buying cost when you return the empty containers after ninety days.

What are the main ingredients in the weight loss supplement Leanbean?

leanbean contains 12 potent but natural ingredients, blended in the right ratios so as to produce the maximum results. The prime ingredient in the supplement is 3 grams of glucomannan. In addition to glucomannan, it contains vitamins B complex, minerals such as zinc and chromium, choline, piperine, green coffee extract, turmeric extract, garcinia cambogia and acai berry.

Is the supplement Leanbean free from soy and gluten and friendly to vegans?

The supplement Leanbean is free from soy and gluten. It is vegan friendly and totally non-GMO.

Is there any bar for taking the supplement for a prolonged period of time?

No. The supplement is made from natural ingredients having no side effects. The formulation of the supplement is such that it can be safely taken for a prolonged time without needing any break. Rather it is suggested to take the supplement continuously so that the weight which you have been able to shed should not return back again. However you must stick to the dietary and exercise regime along with a healthy lifestyle.

Where to buy the weight loss supplement Leanbean 

You may buy the weight loss supplement Leanbean at the official website of the company leanbeanofficial.com.

Single container containing 180 capsules costs $59.99.

In the official website you will be able to get many discounted offers for bulk purchases.

Concluding remarks 

From the detailed discussions from various angles as above it can be safely concluded that the supplement Leanbean has truly been prepared and formulated suiting the weight loss requirements of women.

The supplement is going to satisfy one of the urgent needs of the women who are bungled up with diversified occupations of meeting the aspirations of the bosses at the workplaces and the undeclared bosses in their homes. 

The supplement has been carefully designed including a minimal amount of caffeine of only 10 mg per day which is insignificant compared to 100 mg of caffeine in a cup of coffee. No other stimulant is added to the supplement which will surely suit the women users.

Further addition to vitamins and antioxidants along with the ingredients will be a boon to the women giving them more energy and a healthy life.

After getting healthy with full energy the users will be able to concentrate more on their training even prolonging the time of training. This will further burn the calories augmenting the process of losing weight.

The ingredients will also increase the rate of fat metabolism melting more and more fats reducing the weight.

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